Erica Maude Flower

A brief biography

The Air Force Mothers

Around 1940, six mothers of sons who had enlisted as pilots in the Royal Australian Air Force got together in Sydney for regular meetings, and called themselves the Air Force Mothers. As well as Erica, the other five mothers were Lucy Iris Beveridge, Margaret Adrienne Marre, Annie Kelly Lee, Janet Loton and Grace Davenport. Of the six mothers, five lost their sons during the War, only the two Davenport sons survived.

News cutting contributed by Kristen Alexander

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Julia Sophia Grossmann

Augusto Sandino's mother
While in Managua, Julia befriended Margarita Calderón, an indigenous servant with the Sandino family and mother of Augusto Calderón Sandino. Both families' children were friends, which is why Augusto...

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Bob Ada

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